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Sunday, August 21, 2011

I made a miscalculation.

I found out on friday that school was starting on monday. This is good because I didn't have time to anticipate and get anxious. It's gonna be fun.I'll try to get a 3-d animation posted here before this week is over. I'll be using this tutorial http://www.blenderguru.com/create-a-sizzling-title-intro/ to recreate my gamefaqs user name "Zeta_tech" In the future I might hold contests for free models and animations to my followers if I get good enough.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

School is next Friday. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!

Well, I've kinda wasted my summer but I had fun. I'll attempt to take some 3-d art classes but before that I'll need to get my shit together. I ain't exactly the most responsible person I know. I haven't touched blender in weeks (partly due to my shitty comp specs) but that's all gonna change. Starting next post I'll be dumping game Ideas. If you want to discuss I have a forum over at http://622studios.webs.com/.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting closer

Considering adsense cut in my profit I have around 34 dollars. I'm still saving for that tablet. I won't have much time to be doing any modeling (senior year of high school coming up) but I'm sure I'll figure something out. so for now it's strictly drawing practice. I've got a camera so I'll be uploading some hand-drawns to my deviant art soon.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Advertisments are awsome

Money from ads is building up. I'm planning on getting a drawing tablet once I reach around 60 bucks. Until then I won't just be posting drawing Ideas but comics and game ideas and other things that "tickle my fancy" (I hate that phrase)

Oh and I'll try to update daily.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I have realized that without formal pen-on-paper drawing experience I will have trouble actually modeling my own designs so as of today I will be doing a hell of a lot more drawing and uploading the results.

here's one.


Friday, July 22, 2011

"Nekid Wiminz"

The general Idea is to make whatever comes to mind but hopefully, one day I'll have the artisistic skill to make life-like people...

Namely hot chicks...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just got sculptris.

Sculptris is a 3-d sculpting program. The guys who made it are working with Zbrush in a collaboration to make both of their programs compatable. Zbrush is responsible for the digital effect in movies like Rango and Voyage of The Dawn Treader.

Hopefully, with my lack of skill, I can make something great and continue to progress and not be a complete talentless fuck-tard when it comes to art.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I've decided...

This blog will be about my 3D modeling career (or rather buildup toward one). I'll post links and stuff towards my projects and works.


I already have another blog but I don't know how to set up the adsense account (if I can) at freewebs. it's located at 
